RF Welded Packaging & Assembly Services

Not all products are manufactured ready to go. At times, assembly with additional labeling, embellishing, finishing and kit packaging are required before a product can be shipped. At SealWerks, we provide a single source convenience with completed assembly and kitting in-house. Our design, manufacturing and support services take you from concept to final distribution in one convenient location.

Packaging Services are Used to Protect Product Parts

SealWerks supplies the materials and handling industry with specialty radio frequency sealed wrap for equipment parts. As some parts are preassembled for easy installation, a packaging solution is necessary when the part needs to arrive intact and un-damaged to its destination. SealWerks uses RF welded and heat sealable films to contain and protect the part before being packed for shipping. The protective wrap fits the equipment part configuration tightly so that nothing gets dislodged or disassembled in shipping. This process is especially useful for unusual or extreme configurations of product parts. The material most often used is urethane or polyurethane because of its extreme elasticity factor and resistance to tearing and abrasion.
protective packaging
RF Welding is used to create custom flexible packaging to contain equipment assemblies.
Protective watertight cover
Custom sealed packaging keeps part assemblies protected from contaminates.

Assembly Services For Product Completion

Our packaging solutions can be defined for products large and small, with an open-end accessibility or completely sealed to be an air tight and waterproof casing. This is used to not only protect the part from humidity and contamination, but also for the containment of complex parts. You can choose from a number of colors to code parts and make installation instructions easier to follow.