The Benefits of ISO Certified Fabrication & Manufacturing Processes

What is the ISO?

The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an international standard-setting body founded in 1947 that facilitates the use of a common set of standards between nations. The goal of these standards is to create products and services that are safe, reliable and high quality. The ISO has sets of standards for a multitude of industries ranging from medical devices to local governments. It has continuously been one of the most important organizations regarding standardization since its inception and was the first of its kind to receive General Consultative Status from the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

ISO 9001- 2015 certified

What standards are relevant to radio frequency (RF) welding & heat sealing?

While there are specific types of standards for many industries, the ISO 9001-2015 standard is one of the most general. These are the only ISO standards that can be certified. The goal of ISO 9001-2015 is to set out criteria for quality management and customer satisfaction. ISO 9001-2015 is based on the plan-do-check-act methodology and provides a process to document and review the structure, responsibilities and procedures required for effective quality management and process improvement. The ISO 9001-2015 standards are a 30-page document formatted as follows:

Section 1: Scope

Section 2: Normative references

Section 3: Terms and definitions

Section 4: Context of organization

Section 5: Leadership

Section 6: Planning

Section 7: Support

Section 8: Operation

Section 9: Performance evaluation

Section 10: Continual improvement

To receive the ISO 9001-2015 certification, a company must adhere to the standards listed above. It must fulfill its own requirements, meet the statutory and regulatory requirements, maintain documentation, as well as satisfy the customer’s requirements. By operating with these parameters in mind, customer satisfaction and high-quality results will be achieved.


How do 9001-2015 standards improve these processes?

When it comes to RF Welding and Heat Sealing, quality assurance is of the utmost importance. These processes are meticulously measured to ensure consistent, replicable results. Along with quality assurance, these measurements provide the data needed to evaluate and improve the process. By following these standards, it is assured that whatever product is being manufactured, the most efficient processes are being used to save valuable time and money. By entrusting an ISO 9001-2015 certified company, you can also be confident that the above standards are being adhered to by highly trained competent professionals.

How does 9001-2015 improve the customers experience?

ISO 9001-2015 isn’t just about quality assurance, it also focuses on making sure the customer is satisfied at every step in the design and manufacturing process. The ISO 9001-2015 standard was designed to define how an organization can meet its customers’ requirements. While there are no specific project objectives defined by ISO 9001-2015, what this standard does is to specify a process that allows SealWerks to elicit and achieve their customers’ objectives. This requires a case by case management of projects, which includes high levels of customer input from the design/prototyping phase all the way to product testing. This assures that no matter the project, an ISO 9001-2015 certified company like SealWerks, will have a custom-tailored plan to meet every aspect of their customer’s manufacturing needs.